Sparkling Apple And Watermelon Lemonade Spritzers

Cool down and get refreshed with this fresh, tangy, glass of lemonade with a twist of apple and watermelon to quench your thirst.


2 Cups Seedless Watermelon  ~ cut into chunks
1 Apple  ~ skinned and chopped
¼ Cup Fresh Lemon Juice
500 ML Sprite or Club soda - I used Sprite
Mint Leaves and Lime slices ~for garnish

Puree watermelon and apple in  a blender until smooth. Add the lemon juice and pulse it 2 or 3 times.   Pour  this mixture  into  pitcher.  Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours .

When ready to serve, fill  glasses with ice cubes and 1/2 cup of the  mixture; top with sprite and garnish with lime slices and mint leaves. Get refreshed ....

Since August 20th is Lemonade Day. The event for Foodie Extravaganza {Party} for this month is Lemonade our Host is Lauren Everson . Thank you Lauren choosing such a refreshing theme.

Labels : Juices, Lemonade, Apple, Watermelon, Non-Alcoholic, Foodie Extravaganza Party
If you are a blogger and would like to join our group and blog along with us, come join our Facebook page Foodie Extravaganza. We would love to have you! If you’re a spectator looking for delicious tid-bits check out our Foodie Extravaganza Pinterest Board! Looking for our previous parties? Check them out .

Dairy-Free Frosted Lemonade by Cookaholic Wife
Frosty Raw Strawberry Lemonade by Fearlessly Creative Mammas
Honey Mint Lemonade by Sew You Think You Can Cook
Lemony White Sangria by Hardly A Goddess
Papaya Lemonade (or cocktail!) by Caroline's Cooking
Peachy Lemonade by A Day in the Life on the Farm
Pineapple Pink Lemonade Shaved Ice by Food Lust People Love
Shikanji (Indian Lemonade) by Tara's Multicultural Table
Sparkling Apple and Watermelon Lemonade Spritzers by Sneha's Recipe
Sparkling Blue Basil Lemonade by Culinary Adventures with Camilla
Sparkling Milk Lemonade by Our Good Life


  1. I wouldn't have thought to combine apples and watermelon. Looks tasty!

  2. Yum! I love watermelon and lemon as a combo!

  3. This sounds like a lovely flavor combination. So refreshing!

  4. Love the addition of apple and watermelon! Sounds so refreshing and a great way to increase your fruit intake.

  5. Apple and watermelon? Yum. I love both of those so much. This sounds amazing.

  6. A great summer drink. Thanks for joining me this month!

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