Mediterranean Fish En Papillote #FishFridayFoodie

French refer to parchment paper cooking as En Papillote means "In Paper". This method of cooking is healthy and cuts down the amount of fat / calories in the dish.  In this method the fish is place on a parchment paper and then folded and sealed. This is baked and hence the fish is juicy and tasty too.

Serves 1

165 Grams fillet of white fish - I used Surmai
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Teaspoon Black Pepper powder
1/4 Teaspoon Red Chilly Flakes
1 Clove of garlic - grated
1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
1 Tomato - Cut into thick roundel
1 Lemon - cut into roundel
1 Small Onion - Cut into thick roundel
1/4 of a Green Capsicum - Cut into thick roundel
2 Teaspoons Olives - sliced
2 Teaspoons Olive oil

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees . 

Take a 20-inch long piece of parchment paper or aluminum foil (foil is actually easier to use. So use it if you don’t have parchment), fold it in half, unfold, and place it on a foiled baking tray.

Wash and pat dry the fish fillet with a kitchen towel.Feel the fish on all sides and check to see if any thorns are still in it, remove them.  Score the fish with a knife lightly and then season it with salt, pepper, chilly flakes, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. Keep it aside for at least 15 minutes.

Place 3 slices of lemon on the on right side of the parchment paper, then lay the seasoned 
fish fillet on it. Place the tomato slices on the fish, and then the onions, lime pieces, capsicum, scatter the olives. Pour the remaining seasoning on top of the veggies. 

Now, seal up the pouch.  Fold the parchment over on top of the fish. Starting at the top inner corner, fold and crimp the edges approximately every quarter-inch, until you’ve created a half-moon. Be sure the folds are well-creased, to keep the steam from pushing the pouch open in the oven.  I used beaten egg to seal the sides.  Brush the crimped edges with the egg wash well ( this will prevent the steam from pushing the pouch open).

Bake for  15 minutes. After 15 minutes place on broil at 200 degrees for 5 minutes.  Take the tray out of the oven. Slide the packet onto the plate, let it cool for 5 minutes then with a scissor make a cut on top let the steam escape and then tear it open fully. Serve and enjoy this healthy, light and juicy Mediterranean Fish En Papillote .

Sending this to Fish Friday Foodies - Host of the month Karen of Karen's Kitchen Stories, theme  En Papillote. Thank you Karen for choosing such a healthy method of cooking. Enjoyed making and also eating Fish En Papillote for my lunch.

Labels :  Fish, Continental Cuisine, Healthy,Baked, Fish Friday,  Seafood/Fish, Mediterranean, Fish En Papillote, Parchment paper, Surmai Fish


  1. My oh my that does look wonderful!

  2. Awesome job with the parchment. I struggled a bit more! Oh, and your fish looks deliciously amazing.
