Whole Wheat Pancakes - Eggless

Making pancakes for breakfast is easy and quick. These are healthy, fluffy, soft and delicious. Prefect for breakfast. You can add topping of fresh fruits, almonds, cherries or chocolate chips  or with a drizzle of maple syrup or honey as per your taste. We had it with a drizzle of chocolate sauce and enjoyed it with a cup of hot coffee.

Sending this to this month's BM week 4 - Flat Bread / Pancake.

Makes 5 -6 Pancakes
1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
1 Cup Hung curd
1 Cup Milk
1/2 Teaspoon Baking powder
1/4 Teaspoon Baking soda
1/4 Teaspoon Vanilla essence
A pinch of  Salt
2 Teaspoons Oil
2 Teaspoons Sugar or according to taste
A pinch of Cinnamon powder

For the topping
1/3 cup sliced almonds
1/3 cup dried chopped cherries or fresh fruits
Maple syrup or Honey to drizzle - I used chocolate sauce


Mix all the wet ingredients together. Sift the dry ingredients together and combine with the wet until just combined and smooth batter. Cover and leave it for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Heat a non stick pan on medium flame. Grease the pan with little oil. Using a large ladle pour the pancake batter on the pan, cover and cook for 2 minutes then open.  Once the top seems dry, flip it over and cook the other side for 1-2 minutes.

Drizzle a serving plate with chocolate sauce and place the pancake on it. Drizzle some more chocolate sauce. Make all the pancakes and stack them on top of each other, drizzle some chocolate sauce on them. Serve them hot with a cup of coffee.   Enjoy these delicious pancakes.

My Notes :
Do not overmix your pancake batter. Overmixing your pancake batter will result in dense, heavy pancakes.

Brush the pan with oil or butter between each pancake. 

If you add cherries  or sliced almonds on the pan cake then sprinkle them immediately after you pour the batter in the pan.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 57

Labels : Pancakes, Eggless, Whole Wheat, Healthy, Breakfast, Blogging Marathon


  1. These fluffy pancakes look beautiful and appetizing. My favorite breakfast !

  2. Soft & fluffy pancakes. My kids would love these.

  3. Hung curd in pancakes sounds interesting. They look nice and fluffy.

  4. Hung curd in pancakes sounds interesting. The pancakes looks really good.

  5. The addition of hung curd sounds interesting and guess helps in making the pancakes fluffier.

  6. Addition of hung curd is definitely very interesting,super fluffy pancakes.

  7. oooh breakfast like this surely is a decadent treat
