Lemon Pepper Rasam with Stuffed Rice Roti - Tamil Nadu

My hubby is  not a fan of South Indian food, where as my daughter and me like eating South Indian food at least once in  a week for a change.  Even if I, make South Indian food, my hubby will want at least one chappati and little sabzi to have for his meal, then only he's satisfied.

I, made this Lemon Pepper Rasam with Stuffed Rice Roti for our Sunday lunch, also prepared, regular chappati and sabzi thinking that he will not be happy with rasam and rice roti.    But to my surprise, he had only this,  ate this to his heart content. After his meal he said this was really delicious, very good. 

I am a fan of rasam and make  it as a soup for dinner very often.  This Lemon Pepper Rasam is very flavorful and not spicy, I would say just right. I wanted to make something different instead of steamed rice to go with the rasam. So I made this stuffed rice roti, which  is a complete meal with veggies too. So let's go to the recipe.

2 Tablespoons Moong dal - soaked , boiled and mashed
2 Tablespoons Tomatoes - finely chopped
1/4 Teaspoon Asafoetida
2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
1 Teaspoon  Pepper powder - crushed roughly
1/2 Teaspoon Roasted Cumin powder
A pinch of Turmeric
1 Green chilly - finely chopped
1 Teaspoon Rasam powder
1 Tablespoon Ginger - finely chopped
1 Tablespoon Coriander leaves - finely chopped
1.1/2 Cup Water
Salt to taste

For the Tadka

1 Tablespoon ghee
1 Teaspoon  Mustard seeds
1 Teaspoon Cumin seeds
A Spring Curry  leaves
2 Red chillies


Bring the water to rolling boil in  a pan , then add the pepper and cumin powder, asafoetida, turmeric, green chilly, ginger , salt and rasam powder, stir  and let it boil for 3 minutes.  Then add moong dal, stir well and let this boil for 3 minutes,  add the tomatoes and little coriander leaves and stir and let it boil for 3 minutes, then add the lemon juice stir and switch off flame. Keep aside

For the tadka : Heat ghee in small pan, add the mustard and cumin seeds, when then crackle, add the red chillies, take off flame add the curry leaves , pour ovef the  rasam, add remaing coriander leaves. 

If you find the rasam thick then add boiling water to adjust the consistency.

Stuffed Rice Roti


1 Cup Rice Flour
1 Cup Water
1 Teaspoon Cumin seeds
Salt to taste
1 Green chilly - finely chopped
1 Tablespoon Capsicum - finely chopped 
1 Tablespoon Cabbage - finely chopped
1 Tablespoon Oil

For the Stuffing
Grind to rough paste without adding any water

2 Tablespoons Coconut - grated
1 Tablespoon Sesame seeds
8 - 10 Curry leaves
1 Green chilly
1 Teaspoon Sambar powder
Salt to taste
1 Teaspoon Coriander leaves


Add the cumin seeds, chilly, capsicum, cabbage and salt, to the water and bring it  to a rolling boil.  Add the rice flour little by little and keep stirring till it forms a dough, if necessary add more flour to make a dough, add oil and keep stirring for a minute . Take off flame. cool and knead to a smooth dough.

Divide the dough eaqually into  small balls.Oil a rolling board and roll into small, but  thick rotis and keep aside.

Take one roti put a little stuffing in the center.

Cover with a another roti.

Cut with cookie cutter or bottle lid . Make all rotis and keep side.

Then heat a griddle/ tawa with little oil and fry these rotis till light brown on each side.

Serve rice roti with rasam.  Enjoy  !!!!

This is Week 2 Day 7 of the Marathon theme Indian States.

Lables : South Indian, Rasam, Rice, Rotis, Main course, Vegetables,Blogging Marathon, Tamil Nadu

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56


  1. Both recipes are very interesting and looks like a perfect combination

  2. Stuffed rice roti are really cute and tempting. Rasam and stuffed rice roti looks like an awesome combination and you have styled the plate very well.

  3. Rasam is my all time favorite, but I have flipped for these rice rotis. They look so delicious and I am tempted to make them ASAP. Absolutely wonderful.

  4. W ow those rotis looks so wonderful.Lemon pepper rasam sounds delicious too.Nice combo.

  5. Interesting recipes and interesting combo. Great

  6. Both rasam and stuffed rice roti makes me hungry, how beautifully you have prepared those rice rotis, pretty and very attractive they are.

  7. Very interesting combo. Love the rotis

  8. Rasam and stuffed rotis ,a unique combination.. Both sounds delicious.

  9. Never heard of this combo, sounds interesting..

  10. Very interesting combo. Looks so delicious.

  11. That is a delicious rice roti with goodness of veggies. And love that rasam too...

  12. Wow thats a delicious puri and rasam. Perfect combo.

  13. I have never come across a stuffed rice roti and that's one unique combo you have come up with..

  14. really like the stuffing of the roti - must have been an awesome combo!
