Hummus (Bi Tahini) - Homemade

Hummus or houmous, is a food dip or spread that includes chickpeas, sesame seeds, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic. "Hummus" in Arabic  means "chickpeas". Its origins are unknown, and it is popular in the Middle East, Turkey, Eygpt, Lebanon and North Africa. This is a Eygptian style Hummus.

In week 3 - day 12, for the marathon the theme is Condiment from Countries, wherein we have to choose condiments, sauces, spreads or seasonings.

Hummus (Bi Tahini) is hummus with sesame paste.


2 Tablespoons Tahini paste - homemade - see recipe below
2 Cups Chickpeas - boiled
2 Tablespoons Lemon juice
1/4 Teaspoon Cumin powder
1/4 Teaspoon Paprika powder
2 -3 Cloves Garlic - chopped finely
2 Tablespoons Water or Yogurt - I used water - see notes
4 Tablespoons Olive Oil
Salt to taste


Tahini paste is expensive, but its easier to make it at home and very cost effective too.

Just roast one fourth cup of sesame on the tava, do not let it turn brown, just lightly till is emits an aroma, cool it and grind it with olive oil till you achieve a smooth paste.

Place the boiled and chickpeas in a grinder (reserve a few for garnishing purposes), then add the rest of the ingredients. Grind everything together until it becomes a smooth paste. Taste and adjust flavors according to your taste, some people prefer More - tahini, or lemon, or garlic or chilly, add what you feel you like according to your taste . The Hummus is ready. 

Serve with sprinkled red pepper flakes or paprika on top. Drizzle olive oil on it. Garnish with boiled chickpeas. Enjoy this Hummus.... healthy, tasty with pita bread or as.. we have it on a bread toast too. It taste yummy. 

My Notes :

You can use canned chickpeas too, but make sure u rinse the chickpeas well of all the brine then in fresh water.

I used the water in which the chickpeas were boiled.

Labels : Sesame seeds, Chickpea,Homemade, Chutneys & Dips,
 Eygpt, Blogging Marathon, Continental Cuisine

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56


  1. Home made hummus is always so delicious.

  2. So far, this seems to be the condiment of the day. Even I made it.

  3. we simply love this chick pea dip, it is so versatile!

  4. Thats a wonderful dip..good one..

  5. Love the color and nice texture.

  6. Gread dip. Seems like everyone picked hummus including me ;-)

  7. Such a flavourful dip, love it to the core..

  8. Love this creamy and delicious tahini. Your clicks with whole chickpeas looks very inviting.

  9. This seems to be the popular choice among the condiments for this BM. Creamy and delicious.

  10. like the way you plated it with the whole chickpeas for texture
