Mini No-Bake Apple Pies

When browsing the internet for no bake recipes,  came across this site.   Liked this recipe and decided to try it.  It turned out excellent and we all loved it.  You can have this with vanilla ice cream  and it taste yum...

Recipe source here

250 Grams Apple
½ Cups Powdered sugar
1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1 Tablespoons Wheat flour
1 Egg
1 Tablespoon Milk
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla extract
10 Slices of bread  - I used whole wheat bread


Peel apples and cut into small squares.

Place the  cut apples into pan over medium heat, add 1/3 cup of water.  Let them cook for about 10 minutes till apples are soft.

Then add the sugar

While apples are cooking, mix Wheat flour and cinnamon into a bowl.  Stir  this into apples and  mix.

This is how it should be.

Prepare two slices of bread by putting them into the microwave for 15-20 seconds. This makes it so that the bread doesn't "break" in the next steps.

Add a spoonful of filling to one of the slices and cover with the other

Use a cutter (smaller than the bread size) and press firmly down while rotating to tear through bread.

You should be left with this small bread capsule.

Add the Egg, Vanilla Extract, and Milk into another bowl. Whisk with a fork.

Dip bread into the mix.  It isn't meant to soak too much.
Add to buttered pan.

Wait until nicely browned and then flip over to its other side.

Once both sides are done.

Serve and  Enjoy!

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 54

Labels : Sweets & Desserts, No Bake Desserts, Apple, Blogging Marathon