Bread Potato Rolls - Vegetarian

There was a time when my daughter was in school, I used to make these bread rolls often for tiffin. Now eating deep fried stuff is not welcome in the house, not because of any health issues, but as there is a saying "Prevention is better than cure". Deep fried snacks is rarely made, they prefer shallow frying or baked snacks.

For this month, week 2 the theme is "Deep Fried Love" I, will prepare snacks, that,  was once loved in the house . The first recipe is Bread Potato Rolls.

Bread rolls are easy and the filling is versatile, you can mix any veggies that you like. Bread can be a day or two old or fresh to make the rolls. This snack can be served with afternoon tea, as an appetizer or kid's tiffin.

Let's make the filling of this mouthwatering snack.

Makes 8 Bread Rolls.
Ingredients6 - 8 Bread slices
2 Medium Potatoes - boiled,  peeled and mashed
1/4 Cup Green peas -  boiled
1 Teaspoon Oil
1/4 teaspoon Cumin seeds
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Teaspoon Red chili powder
A pinch of Turmeric powder
A pinch of rock salt
1/2 teaspoon Chat Masala
1 Tablespoon Coriander finely chopped
1 Green chilly - finely chopped
1 Teaspoon Ginger - grated
Bread crumbs as required
Oil to deep fry


Trim the edges of the bread slices.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the cumin seed. When the cumin seed starts to crack, add green peas, green chili, and ginger, and stir for a few seconds.

Add the potatoes and all the spices and stir-fry for a minute. Add the chopped coriander and take off the flame.

Taste the mixture; it should be a little spicy, as it will taste milder when covered with bread. Keep aside to cool.

Take a tablespoon of the mixture, make an oval shape. Make 8 rolls. (The size of the potato rolls will depend on the size of the bread).

Fill a small bowl with water to wet the bread. Dip one side of a slice of the bread lightly in the water. Place the slice between your palms and press, squeezing out the excess water. This makes the bread moist.

Place the filling in the center of this bread and mold the bread to completely covering it all around, giving an oval  or round shape.  Repeat to make all the rolls.

Roll them in bread crumbs, keep them aside for about five minutes, before you start frying, (this will evaporate some of the moisture from the bread so that it absorbs less oil while frying and also makes the rolls crisper).

Heat the oil in a frying pan on medium high heat. Drop 3 to 4 rolls slowly into it, taking care not to overlap them.

Fry the bread rolls until they are golden brown, turning occasionally. it takes about two to three minutes. Take them out over a paper towel.

Serve them hot with Mint Chutney or Tomato ketchup.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 54

Labels : Potato, Deep Fried, Snack, Blogging Marathon, Starters


  1. Perfect choice for the theme looks so tempting..

  2. This was my most favourite snack of childhood. Make me nostalgic. They look so yum..

  3. turned out perfect sneha..looks so inviting..

  4. oooh !!! thats something I would love to grab from the screen :-)) never had these but heard of it so much :-))

  5. They look very tempting. Perfect for a day like today.

  6. Very nicely done, Love the clicks.

  7. My all time fav rolls.Looks so tempting.

  8. I love that and would not mind the extra calories :)

  9. Those bread rolls are perfect Sneha -- so crispy & delicious.

  10. They look so lovely. Crispy snack!

  11. this is a truly Indian snack as I never heard of these until I started visiting Indian sites but looks delicious

  12. Those Bread rolls are looking yum!
