Spaghetti Fritters

Spaghetti Fritters is a fried pasta dish,  T
his recipe if from Jamie Oliver cook book.   This dish can be altered to suit what you like, you can vary the flavor in different ways, by adding ingredients of your choice. The fritters should be soft in the middle and crunchy on the outside. 

These pan fried spaghetti fritters are very simple to make and taste absolutely delicious.  You can make these of leftover pasta too.

This is the third recipe under the theme Bring on the Fritters.

2 Cups Boiled Spaghetti 
4 Eggs
1 Teaspoon Chicken Soup powder
1/4 Teaspoon Fresh Dill - finely chopped
1/2 Teaspoon Parsely - finely chopped
1/2 Teaspoon fresh Thyme
1/2 Teaspoon Sumac
1/4 Teaspoon Pepper powder
Salt to taste 
1/2 Cup Cheddar Cheese - grated
1/4 Cup Parmesan cheese powder
Butter + Oil for frying


Crack eggs in a bowl and whisk. Then, add sumac, dill, parsley, thyme, pepper powder, salt to taste, both the cheese, chicken powder and mix.  Add pasta to the bowl and give it a mix using a fork.
Pour two tablespoons of oil + butter in a pan and heat it.
Using a fork or a tong, take little bit of the spaghetti mixture and drop it to the hot pan. Fry it at a medium heat for about 2 minutes on each side.  Serve with sriracha sauce.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#52.

Linking this to Valli's 'Cooking from Cookbook Challenge: June -- Week 3.

Labels : Breakfast, Fritters, Spaghetti, Blogging Marathon, CCChallenge


  1. Quite interesting to make fritter with spaghetti..

  2. Fritters look flavorful with all those spices that went in to it. Nice recipe.

  3. Omg, this fritters are dangerously delicious, makes me hungry.

  4. sounds delicious, make long ago with maggi, This one too looks great

  5. Very interesting dish. I had heard of this but have never tasted it.

  6. nice idea of fritters using sphagetti..looks lovely..

  7. Fritters with pasta is totally new to me, they look yummy!!

  8. Plenty of flavorful ingredients going in this delicious fritter.

  9. What an interesting idea to make fritters out of cooked sphagetti! Looks lovely.

  10. Spaghetti and fritters looks like a delightful combo!

  11. Fritters with spaghetti sounds very interesting. They look yummy!!

  12. Love these fritters :) Looking droolicious

  13. Very interesting fritters!!! Beautifully served!
