Marie Coco Pudding - No Bake Biscuit Pudding

This  pudding, my daughter loves since she was a kid. I make this very often since she enjoys it very much and hubby also has a sweet tooth.  Its very easy and quick to make, it does not require baking or steaming.  Here's the recipe...

500 Ml Milk - pre boiled
3 Tablespoons Sugar
4 Tablespoons Cocoa powder
5 Tablespoons Walnuts - chopped
1 Cup Whipped Cream
A packet of Marie Biscuits
Cherries and Walnuts for decoration

Chocolate Sauce

Take the pre boiled milk, add the sugar, cocoa powder and mix well till smooth and lump free.   Place this pan of milk on medium flame and keep stirring till it thickness ( is of pouring consistency). Take off flame and cool, then add walnuts ( reserve few for decoration) and keep aside.

In a serving dish arrange a layer of biscuits

Pour chocolate sauce 

Then over it a layer of whipped cream.

Arrange these in layers till all the biscuits and sauce is used. Decorate with whipped cream, walnuts and cherries.

Keep this dish in the refrigerator at least for 24 hours before serving.
Serve chilled.

My Notes :

The sauce should not be too thick or else the biscuits will not get soaked well.

Sending this to the Kid's Delight event hosted this month by Mireille , theme Creamy Foods.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#52.

Labels : Biscuits, Sweets & Desserts, Walnuts, Blogging Marathon, Kids delight, No Bake


  1. Sounds interesting way of making this pudding..

  2. Such a easy dessert and eve kids can do this, Such a simple one..

  3. Quick and easy dessert that is sure to please the crowd.

  4. such a quick and easy dessert!!! wow..

  5. Very interesting version of pudding.

  6. Very interesting, pudding.

  7. My favourite pudding, been a long i made this pudding.

  8. That is one interesting and easy puddding that can be made in a jiffy
