Coconut Flan

This flan is an all time favorite.  I can prepare this flan in a breeze.  This is a no fuss recipe.  You can use a tetra pack of coconut milk to make this flan.  I always make coconut milk fresh at home.  I use the first and second extract to make this flan.  Of one medium size coconut you will get 400 ml of coconut milk total quantity of the first and second extract.

400 Ml Coconut Milk
3 Eggs
1/2 Cup Dessicated coconut powder
1 Cup Condensed milk
200 ML  Fresh Cream
1/4 Teaspoon Coconut essence - optional
1/4 Cup Sugar for the Caramel Syrup.

To make the Coconut Milk.
1 Medium size coconut - grated
300 ML Warm Water


To make the Coconut milk:
Place the coconut in a grinder, add half the warm water and run it for 2 minutes.  Remove the mixtuer in a fine cloth or strainer and squeeze out the milk.  Place the coconut in the grinder again, add the remaining water and run the mixer again for 2 minutes.  Strain again and squeeze out the milk.  Throw away the coconut powder.

To Prepare the Caramel:
In a pan add the sugar and a tablespoon of water. Keep this pan on slow flame till the sugar start melting.  Stir till the sugar starts getting golden brown.  When the sugar starts browning immediately remove from flame and poured this in the bowl or mould in which you are bake the flan.  Coat the mould well with the caramel. Keep aside to cool.

In a large bowl beat the eggs lightly add the essence, coconut milk, condensed milk, dessicated coconut powder and fresh cream. Mix well. Pour it in the prepared caramel mould. Keep this bowl/mould in other big tin (which filled with water). The wate should reach 1/4 of the mould only. Bake for 30 to 45 minutes minutes at 200 degree C.

The one in the take away goes to my friend Jasbir who invited us for dinner.

Labels : Sweets & Desserts, Healthy, Bake a thon
Bake-a-thon 2014


  1. Looks very delicious, never made a flan with egg..must have tasted great!

  2. Sounds and looks so good. I will try this recipe.

  3. Flan is looks rich and delicious. I have not tried flan with coconut milk. This would be a nice twist to the traditional flan.

  4. Omg, hard to resist to this coconut flan, my mouth is watering here.

  5. That is a delicious looking flan.

  6. beautiful and elegant flan!!

  7. Hello, is there any other alternative to baking till 30-45 minutes at 200c. I sadly don't own a oven.
