Baked Cheese Chilies

I watch this recipe on a cooking show on TV and had noted this recipe.  In winter season where we get varieties of green chillies. These chillies are not pungent, they have a thick skin and excellent for baking. This you can have as a side dish with your main course. They are very tasty. Try them and you too will love the taste of the them.

12 JalapeƱo or Long Green Chilies

For Filling
1/2 Teaspoon Garlic - minced
1/4 Cup Onion - minced
1/2 Cup Mozzarella Cheese - shredded
1/2 Teaspoon Garam Masala


Slice the chillies in half lengthwise or slice off the top one-third lengthwise.  Scrape out all the seeds and ribs from each chilly with a spoon. 

Mix together all the filling ingredients.

Pack the filling into the peppers and arrange the peppers on a greased baking pan and bake at 150 degrees for 10-15 minutes, or until the cheese is bubbly and lightly browned, and the peppers are cooked. 

Allow to cool for 5 minutes before serving.

Labels: Vegetables, Blogging Marathon


  1. chilly lovers would like this a lot

  2. Love the cheesy stuffing and the baked jalapenos look spicy & yumm!!

  3. Prefect starter for chilli lovers, mouthwatering here..

  4. Mouthwatering chilies. Yummy

  5. i dont mind popping some right now

  6. Perfect for chilli lovers. You know what we can try this with the bhajji chillies too naa?? will give a shot. great yaar

  7. Nice variation to the spicy stuffed chili peppers.

  8. Nice version of baked chilies Sneha..

  9. I too was thinking of posting cheese stuffed Jalapenos for this marathon and somehow couldn't do it. Perfect for chili lovers.

  10. Love the variation of stuffed chilies!

  11. Chilies and cheese makes wonderful taste!! I cannot stop myself drooling here..

  12. OMG!!! that is tempting.. will surely love to have a bite!!
