Lebanese Shish Tawook / Chicken Kabob

This month in Mena's Cooking Club, I am travelling to Lebanon our host Sarah choose this recipe. Have you been there! I have not, but that's the advantage of blogging, you still get to enjoy world's cuisine in your home kitchen.

In Lebanon, Shish Tawook can be found in most fast food restaurants. 
 It is usually ordered as a sandwich of grilled chicken rolled in a “pita” bread with some Lebanese Garlic Sauce called Toum and some salty pickles, fries. It can also be served in a plate with a side of rice and grilled veggies. As I was surfing found that there are different recipes, some using yogurt or tomato paste. Though is popular all over Lebanon and each family has their own recipe. Does any one know what the word tawook mean?. Well, let me tell you. Tawook is a variant on the Turkish word tavuk, meaning chicken. So shish tawook means chicken skewers, Shish tawook is typically eaten with garlic paste toum. When I was going to many recipes, found that hardly any spices are used. Was very curious to know how it would taste. But let me tell you this is has an awesome taste. My daughter enjoyed this. But you must make the Toum cause it enhances the taste of tawook.

My today's post I dedicate to Noor who  initiate's  the monthly challenges.  In spite if not being well and dealing with injury pain, she still continues to organize this challenge for us.  Noor, thank you and you are always in my prayer, get well soon.


500 Grams boneless chicken breast - cut into cubes
2 Tablespoons Lemon juice
1/2 Teaspoon Lemon rind
5 cloves of Garlic -  crushed
3 Tablespoons Yogurt
3 Tablespoons  Olive oil
1 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Teaspoon Pepper powder
1/4 Teaspoon Ginger paste
1/4 Teaspoon Oregano
1/4 Teaspoon Paprika
3/4 Teaspoon Salt or to taste

1 Long Black Brinjal - cut into thick roundels 
1  Green Capsicum - cut into big cubes
Lebanese Garlic Paste / Toum (see recipe below) to be served with Shish Tawook


Marinating the Chicken
Marinate the chicken breast chunks for at least 4 hours, but preferably overnight in the fridge. The longer they marinate, the juicier and more flavorful they are. Right before grilling, skewer the chicken. Mix all ingredients well together while rubbing the chicken. Place in a container, cover, and let it marinate in the fridge (I left it overnight). An hour before grilling I marinated the veggies along with the chicken and kept aside.

Grilling the Shish Tawook
Soak the bamboo skewers in water for half an hour at least. 

The longer you marinate the chicken the quicker it grills. Grill on medium heat between 18 - 20 minutes max. Heat a grill pan on medium heat.

Skewer the chicken and veggies right before grilling.   

As soon as you remove them from the grill, place them in a big warm pot, place the lid tightly, and let rest for 8-10 minutes - this helps the chicken become more moist (this step is optional)

Lebanese Garlic Sauce called Toum
Garlic sauce is made like mayonnaise and a lot of fresh garlic is added in the process. A simpler way of doing this is to use ordinary mayonnaise and add lots of fresh crushed garlic.

1 Clove Garlic - peeled and chopped
1 Egg
1/2 Cup Vegetable oil / I use olive oil
1/2 Teaspoon Lemon juice
1/2 Teaspoon  White Vinegar
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Sugar
1/4 Teaspoon Mustard paste ( Optional)  - I used it.

Place all the ingredients in a bowl except the oil and blend well, then as you are blending  pour the oil gentle in a thin stream 
 (like a trickle) till the thick.  The Garlic Toum is ready. 

Serve and enjoy with Shish Tawook.

Labels:  International Cuisine, Mena Cooking Club, Starters, Kebabs, Lebanese, Chicken, Garlic, Sauce 

An InLinkz Link-up


  1. G'day and what a wonderful post and delicious dish! I am glad you were able to complete this month's MENA Lebanon challenge also!
    Cheers! Joanne

  2. Delicious shish tawook and I like that you made your own garlic sauce, i should've done that as I love the stuff.
