Sourdough Pizza Pie

After reading Varada's sourdough French loaf I wanted to try the sourdough starter. Goggled and found this site, from where I made the sourdough starter using pineapple juice. After 15 days I used this starter to make the Pizza Pie. When I made this Pizza pie and sent it for my beta, he was trilled since he loves pizza and cheese, to top it all it was made of chicken he was even more happy.

What made me happy is that I tried and succeeded in making a sourdough starter. So here goes the recipe.

Ingredients for the dough
½ Cup Sourdough starter - well fed
1.1/2 Cup Flour or may a little more
1 Teaspoon Oil
1 Teaspoon Sugar

Water if required

For the filling
1 Teaspoon Butter
1 Teaspoon Oil
1/2 Cup Chicken - cut into small pieces
1 Tablespoon Peas - boiled
1 Tablespoon Carrot - cut into pieces and boiled
1 Teaspoon All purpose flour
1/2 cup milk
1/2 Teaspoon Mixed herbs
Salt and pepper to taste.
Cheese for topping

Method for the filling

In a pan heat the butter and oil add the chicken and saute for 2 -3 minutes on medium flame, then add the peas, carrot and saute for another 2 -3 then add the flour and saute till flour is cooked.  Add the milk, stir continuously till sauce is smooth and lump free. Add all seasonings and let it cook stirring till the sauce thickens slightly. Bring down from flame and cool.

Method for the Pie:
Mix together flours, salt, and sugar.
Place dry ingredients and starter in the fridge for 30 minutes. I wanted them to be very cold. Stir starter into dry ingredients add the oil and mix until it just comes together in to a ball. Since your starter may be more or less liquid than mine, you may need to add a little ice water or slightly more flour. Use a bench scrapper to brin  the dough together  since this dough is sticky. Refrigerate dough overnight ( I kneaded the dough at 6 pm). Next day in the afternoon I rolled out dough and placed into pie pans, prick the pie with a fork and bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, remove and cool.

Then add the filling make a lattice pattern and again bake for 20 - 25 minutes till the crust is brown on top. 

This amount of dough makes at least two medium pie crusts.
The thickness of your sourdough starter can determine how much water or additional flour needs to be used. If you think the dough is too moist, add additional flour (a tablespoon at a time). The same, if the dough is looking dry. Add warm water (a tablespoon at a time). I did not have to add water as I had a fairly thick starter.

This is my entry for the BM #48, theme Kid's Delight - Holiday Special Recipes. Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#48.

Labels : Pie & Quiche, Breads,  Blogging Marathon, Sourdough


  1. Pie looks superb and with sourdough sounds interesting .

  2. Even am tempted to give a try to sourdough now, pie looks fantastic.

  3. I am so happy to see that you have successfully ventured into the world of sourdough starters.

  4. Delicious and tempting would love it for sure...

  5. The recipe sounds really interesting and the pizza looks cool.

  6. oh that is looking superr!!!!

  7. Something new for me. Great dish, will try sometime.

  8. Awesome pizza. I am yet to venture in sourdough area but not right now.thouggh your pizza is making it difficult to say no to try it out.

  9. That pie with the sour dough starter looks too good! What a wonderful dish to feed the kids :)

  10. Wow, sourdough pizza pie came out just perfect Sneha. Goos luck with your sourdough starter and looking forward to more recipes.

  11. Pie looks awesome!!! A very nice idea..

  12. The pie looks awesome and I am yet to try my hand at sourdough!
