Rabri - Unsweetened - Homemade

This is the traditional cooking methodology to prepare nice and thick rabri that has delicious layes of solidified milk cream.

 5 Cups Full cream milk


Bring the milk to boil in a pan and let it simmer for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes switch off the flame and keep aside.  This step is necessary so that if there is any powder or anything else will settle to the bottom.

Pour this milk in a heavy bottom pan and let it simmer on medium flame. When the cream forms on the surface gently push it to the edge of the pan and gently stir the milk so that it does not get burnt at the bottom. Keep pushing the cream to sides regularly till the milk reduces and form layers of cream.

 When done switch off the flame and keep to cool. The Rabri is ready store it in a airtight container and the freezer for further use. This is a unsweetened version of Rabri. If you want you add sugar and sweeten it. This can be used in many recipes. Refrigerate it for at least 2 hours before using.

This take a hour or more to get done.  I got around 300 grams of Rabri.  The taste of homemade Rabri is simply delicious and worth the effort.

Labels: Sweets & Desserts

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