Mutton Kebabs Wraps

Wraps are a delicious and healthy alternative to standard sandwiches and meal. They’re also neat and compact, making them perfect to pack for a lunch in the office or a healthy lunch on the go. These healthy wraps, are also great for a light dinner.

Tortilla Recipe
1 Cup All-purpose flour
1 Cup Wheat Flour
1 Teaspoon Baking powder
1 Teaspoon Salt
2 Tablespoons Oil
1 1/4 cups warm water (approximate)

In a large bowl, blend the flour, baking powder, and salt together. Add the water little at a time and mix the dough quickly with your hand until the dough forms a mass. Knead the dough to form soft dough that is no longer sticky. Cover the dough to let it rest for about 10 minutes. Allowing the dough to rest lets any of the liquid absorb into the flour, which will give you a softer tortilla after cooking.

Divide the dough in equal parts accordingly and on a lightly floured surface take one of the dough balls and begin to roll it out just like the thickness of chapatti. Heat a griddle, over medium to medium-high heat place a tortilla cook tortillas for a 1 minute on each side.

For the Filling

Mutton Kebabs
Capsicum sliced
Onion sliced
Tomato sliced
Green chilli finely chopped
salt to taste
1 Teaspoon Vinegar/Lemon juice
Mint Chutney

In a plate place the capsicum, onions,tomato and green chilly, mix well, add salt and vinegar and mix again, keep it aside.

To assemble
Place the tortilla/ wrap on a place. Apply the mint chutney and place the kebab first.  Add the salad on the it. Roll it and serve it immediately.

We had these wraps for our lunch. There were yum and very filling. This was a welcomed change from our regular roti sabzi. You too try it and give your comments. To make it vegetarian you can add a veg kebab.

This is my entry for the BM #48, theme Roll and Wraps.
Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#48

Labels: Wraps, Blogging Marathon, Sandwiches, Rolls


  1. Mutton kababs wrap must have tasted great!

  2. Wraps fill you up nicely. .they surely are a complete meal.

  3. Another good choice for meat lovers..good one..

  4. Interesting wraps, my H will definitely love this wrap..

  5. Protein packed wrap that is filling and yummy!!

  6. This would be sure a great hit for meat lovers
