Homemade Shrak Bread / Markook

Markook, also known as Shrak (Arabic: مرقوق، شراك) is a type of flatbread common in the countries of the Levant. It is baked on a domed or convex metal griddle, known as "saj" that’s shaped like an inverted wok. It is usually large, about 2 feet in diameter, and thin, almost translucent. Similar to the procedures for making some other flatbreads, the dough of markook is flattened and kept very thin.

Today I am are visiting Jordan. Markook/Shrak , is a traditional Bedouin bread that is popular in Jordan and the region as a whole.

2 Cups Wheat flour
2 Cups All purpose flour
2 Teaspoons Instant yeast
2 Table spoons sugar
1 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Cup Olive oil
1 to 1.1/2 Cups warm water (or as needed)


Mix the yeast and sugar in, add 1/2 cup warm water. Mix and leave for 10 minutes until yeast is bubbly.

In a large bowl add all the remaining ingredients except the water. Then add the yeast and only 1/2 cup water. Knead the dough, if you notice that it is too dry and difficult to form into a smooth ball, then it needs more water. Add a little of water gradually and knead until you have a smooth and soft dough. Knead the dough for 10 minutes.

Cover the bowl and leave for an hour until the dough doubles in size.

Divide the dough into 8 equal pieces. Form the pieces into balls and place them on a clean kitchen towel. Cover them with a towel and leave to rise for half an hour.

Sprinkle flour on the surface on which you will roll the dough.

Put the Wok (upside-down) on the oven top and open the fire on high.

Roll the dough ball on the floured surface until you have a very thin round sheet of dough.

Place the dough sheet on the hot wok and bake on one side only. Once shrak bread is ready remove and cover with a kitchen towel immediately so as not to dry. Repeat the process with the remaining balls of dough.

Home-made Shrak bread; the ancient and traditional bread of the Middle East. Bon appetite.

Sending this also to Mena's Cooking Club

Labels : Breads, Continental Cuisine, Mena Cooking Club, Blogging Marathon, Jordan


  1. There are so many different types of bread. This one looks perfectly made.

  2. Yay, someone else made this one other than me. I am so happy to see how you made and wow they look just perfect and round. They were so good right?

  3. bread,soup and dessert you went all the way Sneha ,Great job on completing the challenge!!

  4. what an interesting cooking method

  5. Oh wow..I was aware of the bread but didn't know its name..now this is on my to do list. .loved it . absolutely my kind.

  6. Absolutely perfect! You are so good at making this round and crispy. :)

  7. Wow you cooked you a storm, 3 of the recipes :-) gorgeous Shrak Bread!

  8. Looks so interesting and inviting...Nice one.

  9. Interesting cooking method! Looks very well made.

  10. Very nicely done and nice reading about the bread!

  11. I have made them for last April BM, absolutely gorgeous bread, for the method of cooking and for the softness it retains.

  12. So perfectly and love how traditionally you have made them.

  13. Wat a fantastic bread,you nailed them prefectly.

  14. Interesting way to cook the flat bread.

  15. A very new bread to me..You have done it beautifully. Love to try it

  16. Beautifully explained! The bread looks so good....

  17. That is a very interesting and perfectly made flatbread.

  18. Wow this is awesomely made bread. I must try these soon.
