Potato Doughnuts / Donat Kentang - Indonesia - Savory Doughnuts

Indonesia - Donat Kentang is known as an Indonesian style fried mashed potato doughnut; a fritter that comes in ring shape and is made from combination of flour and mashed potatoes, coated in powder sugar or icing sugar. But since I had already prepared two sweet versions of doughnuts. I modified the recipe to my taste and prepared a savory version, these turned out absolutely delicious.

Every day in morning, would decide that today I, must prepare these doughnuts, but, an addict of youtube would be glued to the laptop watching videos and everything else takes the back seat. On Sunday morning I boiled the potatoes and kept them ready to make these doughnuts. Hubby had some urgent work so left home at 11.00 am and from that time I sat to watch youtube and lost track of the time. When he returned at 4pm I was still on youtube. He said he was very hungry and wanted something to eat. Since I wasted my time watching videos no lunch was prepared. I told him give me 15 minutes and I will give him something to eat. Went to kitchen and prepared these doughnuts. Could make only 9 from the prepared mixture. They turned out so delicious that these were insufficient for two hungry stomachs.  So here is the recipe.


1.1/2 Cup  Pressed Boiled and Mashed Potatoes
2/3 Cups Level All Purpose Flour
1/4 Teaspoon Baking powder
1/4 Teaspoon Pepper powder
1/2 Teaspoon Salt.
Dry Bread crumbs as required.
Oil for frying


In a kadai place the oil to heat on very low flame.

In the meantime mix all the ingredients together to form a dough.  Divide the dough into 9 equal parts.

Oil your hands and take a ball,then flatten it into small puri, with your little finger make a hole. 

Roll it bread crumbs and keep aside.

When the oil is hot (do not bring the oil to a boiling point) place the doughnuts in the oil and do not disturb it by stirring the oil.  It will take some time to blow, to the top .

When it rises to surface then turn them to the other side.  Let this side get golden brown then turn again and brown the other side.

Place them on a paper towel. 

The best thing about these doughnut that they are not oily and do not absorb oil. 

They are crisp outside, soft and moist inside.  Serve them hot with ketchup.

Hubby had these with ketchup, I enjoyed them with spicy green coconut chutney and a cup of hot tea.  Do try them and enjoy.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doingBM#47.

Labels: Breads, Blogging Marathon, Asian Cuisine , Doughnuts, Indonesia


  1. I had not heard of potato doughnuts. They look a lot like vada. Beautiful golden brown.

  2. yummy donuts!!! can enjoy it with hot coffee!!

  3. They exactly look like Vada., nice recipe.. Looks crispy and yummy.

  4. This is very new to me. The fact that it doesn't absorb oil tempts me to try soon.

  5. Savory doughnuts looks prefect and very much like our famous vadas.

  6. New version of savory donuts or vadas :)

  7. Very interesting potato doughnuts. They are perfect savory accompaniment to tea.

  8. wow interesting doughnut recipe dear , done so perfectly :)

  9. I was hoping to find some baked doughnut but seeing all of them being deep fried I will have to rethink..this looks so inviting.

  10. They look like vada's.. Very cisp & yum.

  11. Easy doughnuts!! looks so crispyyy

  12. This is new to me. Looks nice

  13. Potatoes and doughnuts! Wow, how delicious they looks.
