Orange Wine

After successfully making Ginger wine, my enthusiasm to try new wines increased. In dug into my recipe book and found this recipe of Orange Wine in this book (East Indian Recipe) with few changes I made this wine and it turned out so lovely and the color is awesome. This is very easy to make. I know when you speak of winemaking the first thought that come to our mind OH God! who wants take the trouble to make wine. Now all types of wines are available in the Wine shop. But try this wine and you will not regret it.  It has a lovely taste and such a pleasant fragrance.  Have this wine chilled.

Let me tell you I not crazy about wines, actually speaking I do not have wine.  This wine I sent to my friends house as a gift and they enjoyed it.  

10 Oranges  
1 ½ kg Sugar  
4 ½ litre Water 
½ Teaspoon Yeast


Wash oranges and wipe it with a kitchen tissue or clean cloth.
With a citrus peeler or vegetable peeler thinly peel the orange zest without the white part. Extract the juice from the oranges and keep aside.

Boil sugar, water and orange zest in a big vessel.

When the mixture begins to boil, add orange juice and bring it to a nice boil and turn off the flame.

When the mixture becomes lukewarm, add yeast and transfer the mixture to a sterilized glass bottle / bharani, cover it and leave for 14 days stirring daily.

After 14 days, strain the mixture through a cheese/muslin cloth in to a clean dry bottle. 
Keep this again for 7 days untouched. After 7 days strain the wine again, pour it into clean dry bottles and use.  
See the lovely color.  Enjoy it.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doingBM#47.

Labels: Wine, Blogging Marathon , Orange, Homemade


  1. Not a fan of wines either but that is a very interesting preparation.

  2. Never tried my hands in making wine at home, well dne Sneha..

  3. It is not bad to be crazy about wine sneha!! Love this!! Perfect gift for the festive season!

  4. Am not into wine at all but interesting to note the wine making process!

  5. I like wine and we do use the often but never tried at home . Nice idea...

  6. Wow, homemade Orange wine. Now that is very innovative and interesting recipe.
