Oats Honey Loaf

This bread recipe was given by Veena of Vegnation for the Blogging Marathon BM#47.

We use to get Honey and Oats Sandwich bread by Britannia , but suddenly they discontinued making it, we missed having that bread. When this recipe was shared by Veena I was very happy that, my desire of not only eating this bread but also baking it was fulfilled. Thanks Veena for this recipe.

3 Cups All purpose flour
3/4 Cup Oats
1 Cup Milk(HOT)
1/4 Cup Luke warm Water
2 ¼ Teaspoon Instant yeast
1 Teaspoon Sugar
1/4 Cup Honey
2 Teaspoon Butter
1 1/2 Teaspoon Salt


Add sugar and yeast to the lukewarm water. Keep it aside for frothing. Add Butter to the hot milk and mix well so that it dissolves.Milk should be hot and not boiling . Now add the flour, oats, salt and mix in by hand. Add the yeast mixture to this and mix again. Now add honey to this milk mixture and mix thoroughly . Add the milk mixture to the flour yeast mixture and start kneading by hand till the forms a dough.

At this stage, take the bread to your kitchen platform and kneaded it for 10 more minutes.

Transfer this to a well oiled bowl, cover with a kitchen towel and let it rest in a warm place for 1 hr for it to double.

Now take out the dough to your kitchen platform and pat it into a rectangle approximately 9*5”.

Preheat the oven to 180C.  Brush the loaf with honey, sprinkle some oats on it and bake it for 30-40 minutes or till the loaf starts to brown and sound hollow on tapping.

Take out the loaf and remove the loaf and transfer the bread on a wire rack to cool. Slice when completely cooled.

Note:The dough will be sticky. Please resist the temptation to add more flour. Continue kneading,will give the best results for lovely bread.

This bread was soft and delicious. We enjoyed this bread.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doingBM#47.

Labels: Breads, Blogging Marathon.


  1. Very well made. Lovely golden top and nice crumb.

  2. The bread has a wonderful recipe. .wish I too had baked..you have done a great job with it.

  3. You seem to have got such a nice crumb and texture!

  4. You got the loaf prefectly, u rock with ur breads.

  5. Honey oat bread looks yummy!!

  6. That is one perfect loaf of bread! Very well made.
