A Combo Post - Kartoffelbrot - German Potato Bread & Oats Honey Loaf

This is a combo post for Blogging Marathon week two day 3.  Today I have do a post as to what was served for the breads that were baked on day 1 and day 2.

On day 1 I baked a Kartoffelbrot - German Potato Bread , we had it with Apple Sauce.

On day 2  a  Oats Honey Loaf , was baked we had it with
 Almond - ella Chocolate Spread

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doingBM#47.

Labels: Breads, Blogging Marathon


  1. Both the sauce and the spread sound delicious. It is nice to make them at home so you know exactly what goes in.

  2. The apple sauce and the spread looks absolutely fantastic, a prefect breakfast platter there.

  3. Iam all in for Homemade ones. Its way more healthier and gives that immense satisfaction. Me too waiting to try Homemade spread this time..

  4. Both the bread toppings sound delicious.

  5. I am so tempted to make this bread....it looks so good..like that apple sauce too.
