Vegetarian Spaghetti - Pasta

Spaghetti is a long, thin, cylindrical pasta of Italian origin. Spaghetti is the plural form of the Italian word spaghetto, which is a diminutive of spago, meaning "thin string" or "twine". Spaghetti is made of semolina or flour and water.
This spaghetti is a mouthwatering and healthy. It is very easy to prepare and kids will love it for sure. My daughter and beta ( my friend her son who stays with me during the day) loves pasta, you give him this for any meal and he will happily have it.

This is my third  pasta recipe for the Blogging Marathon. Sending this to Mir, who is hosting my Kid's Delight, themed on "Pizzas, Pastas n Noodles".


1 Medium Onion - finely chopped
2 Cloves Garlic - finely chopped
1/2  Red pepper, - cut in cubes
1/2 Yellow pepper - cut in cubes
400 Grams Tin  Tomatoes
2 Tablespoons Olive oil
Salt to taste
1 Teaspoon Black pepper - freshly ground
200 Grams Spaghetti
Parmesan cheese as needed

 Carefully open the tin of tomatoes and roughly chop them.
Heat a saucepan,  add a tablespoon of olive oil and the onion, then cook, until soft and lightly golden. Add the red and yellow peppers, stir in the garlic and saute for a few minutes, then add the tomatoes and season with a tiny pinch of salt and pepper, then continue cooking for around 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

 Meanwhile  fill a large pot three-quarters of the way up with boiling water, add a tiny pinch of salt and bring back to the boil.  Add the spaghetti and cook according to packet instructions – you want to cook your pasta until it is al dente.

Once the pasta is done, ladle out and reserve a cup of the cooking water and keep it to one side, then drain it in a colander over the sink and tip the spaghetti back into the pot.

Stir the spaghetti into the sauce, adding a splash of the pasta water to loosen, if needed.

Serve with the reserved yellow peppers sprinkled over the top and  grated  Parmesan cheese.  My kids enjoyed this. 

It's important to add salt the cooking water so that the pasta can absorb it as it cooks.

You can add other ingredients, such as baby spinach, fresh or frozen peas, to your basic tomato sauce to completely transform it.

Reserving and adding a splash of pasta cooking water to your sauce helps to loosen it, if it's a bit thick and keeps the pasta moist.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#46.

Labels: Pasta & Noodles, Healthy, Blogging Marathon.