Strawberry Jam

When strawberries were in season, we friends went to the APMC market and bought boxes and boxes of these.  So I stored some, in the deep freezer. 

To store them, wash and dry them, then place a silicon sheet in the deep freezer and place them on this sheet overnight so that they are frozen and hard.  Then keep them in an airthight container and place it in the deep freezer for further use.

This is a tasty homemade strawberry jam without any preservatives and color. Spreads smoothly on your toast, this jam is worth the effort.

This jam has no preservatives hence store it in the refrigerator.

1.1/2 Cup Strawberries - pureed
3/4 Cup Sugar- powdered
1 Lemon juice

2 Drops Strawberry essence (optional)


In a saucepan place the strawberries puree and sprinkle the sugar on it. Keep this on low flame for 10 minutes stirring off and on till the sugar melts.  After 10 minutes increase the flame to medium , keep stirring.  
Remove the scum that surfaces.

When the jam bubbles add the lime juice and start timing, begin with 10 minutes and then remove from the heat.

Spoon a little jam on a plate, let cool, then push with your finger, if you get a crinkly skin it is set. If not, boil it up again for another 3-5 minutes and do the test again, if necessary do more repeats.  This got ready from start to finish in 20 minutes.

When ready remove from the heat add the essence. (see pic) You will see a shine and it is set. Pour the jam in dry clean jar and seal with lid. Store in the refrigerator when cool.

To see details and method of Jam making see here

This jam is very easy to make not much stirring or spluttering around the kitchen tiles. No mess at all and it taste any day better than the store one.  Try it and see the difference the seeds in this jam taste good and gives a crunchy effect to the it.  We enjoyed this jam with bread.  I had made this bread and taken for my friends  with this jam they too enjoyed it.  You too try and give your comments.   My daughter not fan of strawberry jam, she too loved it.

Labels: Jams & Sauces, Strawberry, Healthy, Kids delight, Vegan. 

You Might also like Tomato Apple Jam.

1 comment:

  1. the jam looks delicious, but i wish the pics were clearer.
