Omm Ali - An Egyptian Dessert

This month's in Mena Cooking Club, we are making Egyptian food. Our host Amira chose three different recipes a savory, a soup and a sweet: Omm Ali.

Omm Ali is a delicious traditional Egyptian dessert equivalent to North America's bread pudding. Legend has it that Om Ali was the first wife of the sultan Ezz El Din Aybek. When the sultan died, his second wife had a dispute with Om Ali, resulting in the second wife's death. To celebrate, Om Ali made this dessert and distributed it among the people of the land.

The differences between this and bread pudding is that there is no use of eggs in this recipe. Also, puff-pastry or croissants are the bread base of choice in this dessert. This dessert is not as heavy as bread pudding owing to the flaky, airy texture of the puff pastry or croissants used. A variation of nuts, fruits (dates or raisins) and cream adorn this dessert. It's as beautiful and exotic as it's country of origin, and delicious enough to please the most discerning palette.

4 puff-pastry sheets
1/4 cup golden raisins
1/4 cup pistachios- chopped
1/4 cup walnuts - choppeed
1/4 cup almond - chopped
1/4 cup dessicated coconut
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 Cup whole milk 

1 Cup Heavy cream
2 Tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence

Thaw the puff-pastry room temperature. Don't let it sit out long or the puff pastry will become too pliable and hard to work with. If this happens, place the puff-pastry back in the refrigerator for about 10 mins, remove, then start working with it.

Brush the baking pan with butter well.

Preheat your oven to 200 degrees.

Mix all the nuts and dessicated coconut, keep aside.

Then add the cinnamon powder mix well.

Cut the puff-pastry into squares. 

Set aside 1/4 cup of the toasted mixed nuts (for garnishing).

In each square of puff pastry  place a teaspoon of the mixed nuts and bring the  corners of two opposite side together and then the other two corner together and pinch the side to close like a packet.  Place it on the baking pan and like wise prepare the other squares. 

Keep this pan to  bake for 20 - 25 minutes till golden brown on top.

As the puff pastry parcels are being baked and reached the end of baking time keep the milk to heat add the sugar and let it boil and the sugar melts. Switch off the flame and  add the cream, mix well. 

When the puff pastry parcels are baked pour the hot milk mixture on the them and garnish with nuts .  Keep it back in the oven to bake .

Bake until the top of the Omm Ali is a light golden-brown and the milk in the Omm Ali begins to bubble starts leaving the sides. Turn your oven to "broil". Let the Omm Ali broil for 2 minutes until the top is nice and caramelized. Please keep an eagle eye on the  Omm Ali at this time or it will burn.

Remove your dessert from the oven, let it cool for about 10 minutes. Sprinkle with some more of the reserved nuts (optional). This dessert is best served warm. Now how delicious is that?!?   We enjoyed this.  You too try it out and Enjoy!!

Check Out Other Members Recipes Here.

Labels: Sweets & Desserts, Healthy, Continental Cuisine, Mena Cooking Club


  1. Oh wow this looks so decadent. Thanks for taking part in the club we love having you.

  2. G'day! This look delish! Nice to meet you through MENA!
    Congrats on completing this month's Egyptian challenge too!
    Cheers! Joanne @What's On The List

  3. Woow you've done the dessert too!!!! you are awesome :)
