Kiwi Choco Muffins - Eggless

These Kiwi Choco Muffins are perfect for tiffin, brunch or a picnic. Soft and moist, these muffins have all the delicious flavor of the kiwi and choco chips. They  smell delicious while baking, that  it's a long wait for it to be out of the oven. I love muffins! Do you then try these muffins and you too will love them.

200 Grams Condense Milk
40 Grams Butter
1 Cup Kiwi Green or Gold
1/4 Cup Choco Chips
140 Grams All Purpose Flour
1.1/2 Teaspoon Baking powder
1/2 Teaspoon Baking soda
1 Teaspoon Water - if necessary


Chop the kiwi in big pieces and keep aside. I used both kiwi green as well as gold.

Sieve the flour, baking powder and baking soda and keep aside.

In a bowl beat the condense milk and butter till light and color turns cream.  Then add the kiwi, all purpose flour and mix well, then add the choco chips ( reserve few for the topping).  Check the consistency of the batter and the  add the water and mix well.

Fill the muffin moulds and decorate it with choco chips , lightly press the choco chips with a spoon and then bake in  a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20 - 25 minutes.

Then just take a muffin, a mug of coffee and simply relish the muffin enjoy!  because I did just that.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#45.

Labels: Cakes, Kiwi, Healthy, Kids delight, Blogging Marathon, Eggless, Chocolate Chip


  1. Muffins came out simply fabulous,love the addition of kiwi here.

  2. What a unique combination and flavor!

  3. The kiwi in muffins sound interesting and the muffins must be yummy with all those choco chips.

  4. Easy muffins and no egg too great. Will try it soon

  5. Very interesting muffins.. Good to know this recipe.

  6. It was out of the world. We tasted it. Will definitely try

  7. never before used kiwi in a baked product. muffins looks delightful

  8. Does the kiwi give a tarty flavours to the muffins or does the chocolate over power it? Interesting one.

  9. Kiwi in cupcakes? Very interesting!

  10. Never used Kiwi in baking.Sounds like an interesting recipe...

  11. That's a very interesting muffins..nice one..

  12. Never thought that kiwi could be used in baked goods. very nice flavor combination!

  13. Kiwi in baking is totally new to me. Those muffins turned out great with chocolate chips.

  14. choco chips makes every bake delicious !

  15. The combo of kiwi and choco chips is very interesting.

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