Hirva Vatan ( Green masala paste)

The specialty of CKP cuisine is fish, chicken and meat dishes. Hirva vatan (green masala paste) is the pungent and aromatic ginger-garlic, green chilies and fresh coriander leaves paste .Hirva Vatan is must for most dishes in every Maharashtrian home.

10 Grams Garlic
10 Grams Ginger
1 or 2 Green chillies
2 - 3 Tablespoons Coriander leaves- with the stems
1/4 Teaspoon Salt


The preparation is pretty basic -peel the garlic pods, and peeling the ginger. Add all ingredients into a mixer/blender and blend to a fine paste. Add a little water (enough to grind everything together).  That's it. For the color not to change add a little oil and then store it in the container, put it into the freezer and use as needed.

Labels: Masalas, Coriander Leaves,  Garlic, Ginger, Green Chilly, CKP Cuisine, Maharashtra, Maharastrian Cuisine

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