Boondi Payas / Rus Boondi

August 25, 2014

3/4 Cup Sweet boondi
4 cups Full fat milk
3 Bay leaves
1/3 cup sugar
pinch saffron
½ Teaspoon Rose water
1 Teaspoon Cardamom powder
1 Tablespoon Pistachios - sliced
Dried Figs for garnishing


Heat the milk in a pan, with the bay leaves and reduce the milk to half. Discard the bay leaves. Add the sugar and mix well till it has dissolved. Allow to cool.

Add the boondi, saffron, rose water, and cardamom powder and mix gently, refrigerate. When chilled sprinkle pistachios and dried figs pieces.  Serve chilled.

My beta loved this payas and liked the taste of the boondi in it.
This is my post for day 2 of the Blogging Marathon#43 Kids Delight Healthy Desserts theme hosted by Sapana.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#43

Note: Cool the milk completely before you add the boondi or else if you add it into hot or warm milk it is sure to disintegrate.

Labels: Blogging Marathon, Sweets & Desserts, Kids delight


  1. That surely looks very inviting..

  2. I love sweet boondi a lot and in form of payas I can finish whole bowl right away :) tempting boondi payas dear !!

  3. Thats bowl of boondi payas is just irresistible, quite a delicious dish.

  4. This one is one interesting kheer. Never thought of adding boondi to kheer.

  5. wow, what an interesting kheer, never knew that you could make kheer with boondi.
