Mango Shrikand/ Amarkand

June 30, 2014

With Mangoes in season and my love for them, as you can see I, have been posting recipes of Mango in various ways.  Here is one of the all time favorite of my hubby "Shrikand".  A container of Shrikand is always there in my fridge.  Since he loves sweet dish after his meal, this is one that is always there when I do not prepare any sweet dish.  A thought just came to my mind, why don't I  prepare Amarkand / Mango Shrikand.  This is the first time I, made Shrikand at home and let me tell this was a  success.  This was worth the effort.  You too give it a try because it is quick and much more tastier than store purchased one.  This is also half the amount you would pay for the store one and double the quantity when prepared at home.  Now that this was a success, will also try and make other flavors of Shrikand.  So let's go to the recipe.  

500 ML Full Cream Milk 
1 Tablespoon Curds
1/2 Cup Mango puree ( A Puree of 2 Alphonso Mangoes)
2 - 3 Tablespoons Sugar powdered
2 Drops Mango essence
2 Tablespoons Mango -  chopped


Heat the milk till just lightly warm. Remove from heat add the curds and mix well, keep this to set. When set take a cheese cloth, pur the curds into it and strain the curds. Keep this cloth in the fridge in  a sieve for all the excess water to drain  or else the curds will turn sour.  You can keep it for 3 - 4 hours or even overnight.  When drained keep it a plate and insert a spoon, when the spoon stays straight that means the curd is ready to use see pic ( this is also called Chakka).  This quantity  will be one cup.

Place this in a blender with the sugar and pulse it 3 times add the essence and mango puree and again pulse it 3 times. Remove it in a serving bowl, add the mango pieces and keep to it the fridge till cold ( 3 hours).  Serve chilled and enjoy !!!.

Note: The milk should not be boiled or else the cream will form when you set the curds. 
See that the curds do not turn sour or else you will not get sweet Shrikand and the taste will not be good.
If the mango is not sweet you can add more powdered sugar to sweeten the Shrikand.
A tinned mango puree can be used, then reduce the quantity sugar.

Labels: Sweets & Desserts, Mango

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