Hatch Mexico Green Chile Peppers - Stuffed in Ricotta Cheese

June 10, 2014

This is a post after a long period of time.  Sorry folks, went on long holiday to Europe.  Had a restful and enjoyable holiday. Just that I am back from the cold to the heat.

These Green chilies are distinguished by the richness and depth of flavor they achieve when they are fire roasted/ fried. They are elongated, curvaceous and come to a blunt point. Their skin is semi thick, smooth, glossy and deep lime green in color. Inside the pod is a thin white membrane with trace amount of seeds. These chilies are not pungent, but are bright, succulent, sweet, tangy and rich with flavors and aromas of pepper, smoke and are mild.

I purchased these chilies from the market when I was in Brussels. They were looking so tempting because of the color and size could not resist buying them. These were stuffed with Ricotta cheese and they tasted so..so go..o..d . My daughter's friends and roommates, when, seen these, were very apprehensive to taste. I had to assure them that they are not pungent, as they do not have spicy food and that too green chilies ! ... just out of question.

When they tasted these they just could not resist having another. They tasted so succulent, tasty. The Ricotta cheese gives an awesome taste.

In India we get some what similar green chilies, which are slightly pungent.

I think enough of description about chilies, let's go to the recipe.

16 Hatch Mexico Green Chile Peppers
200 Grams Ricotta Cheese
2 Tablespoon Chick Pea Flour / Besan
1/2 Teaspoon Pepper Powder
Salt to taste
Oil for frying.

Wash and dry the chilies. Slit them in the center and remove the thread and seeds. Apply a pinch a salt in each one of them, keep aside.

Mix the ricotta cheese, chick pea flour, pepper powder and salt together well.  Stuff each chilli with this mixture and keep aside.  

Heat Oil in pan and fry them on medium flame till slightly brown.   Serve with rice, dal  or rotis. 

They taste so yummy do give this a try.

Lables : Starters, Vegetables, Continental Cuisine 

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